Программа разработана для того, чтобы научить детей рисовать. Простота в работе и забавные персонажи доставят много радости Вам и вашим детям! Красочная программа для рисования по сети, созданная специально для детского развлечения. Magic Whiteboard - это замечательный инструмент для развития способностей детей, который позволит им самовыражаться в рисовании и который станет постоянным источником радости и забавы для всей семьи. Этот графический редактор создан не только для индивидуального использования, но также предназначен для коллективного рисования при помощи локальной сети (поддерживается сеть до 5 компьютеров). Программа может быть использована в домашней локальной сети, где родители могут рисовать одновременно со своими детьми, или дети будут рисовать со своими друзьями. Самая главная особенность в том, что вы рисуете на одном и том же "листе".
Magic Whiteboard is a colorful network drawing program, designed especially for kids' entertainment. It is known that drawing, as well as playing with toys and making something with hands develops children's thinking and logic, allows them to develop their brain with the help of motion activity. Magic Whiteboard is a perfect tool developing your childrens' abilities. It lets kids express themselves by drawing and is a constant source of fun and joy for the entire family. Magic Whiteboard is designed not only for individual use, but also for collective drawing in a home network. This program can be used in a home PC network with up to 5 computers, so you and your kids can draw pictures all together at the same time. The main feature is that you all are drawing at the same "sheet" or "board" on the screen. So, if you have another PC or laptop, you can play with your kids or let their friends draw something together. With Magic Whiteboard you can show a real miracle to your kid: you can hide with a laptop in another room and draw some pictures on the screen, and your kid will definitely think that there is a lovely Santa Claus or one of two nice gnomes that is drawing with him and adding more details to the picture. Or, you can just watch your kids drawing, and surely you will discover a lot of interesting things as children often create very unusual images. Learn more about your kids' way of thinking, worldview, imagination and skills with Magic Whiteboard. It gives a handful of ideas how to spend your spare time having fun with your kids. Magic Whiteboard allows printing and saving drawings in such common formats as BMP, JPEG, and GIF. No doubt, its colorful graphics and amusing cartoon characters make this program a really fascinating pastime.
OS: Windows ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista.
Размер: 2.45 MB